10 places in Europe you need to visit but haven’t heard about

There have been 10 photos I have uploaded to instagram that have been so incredibly popular that I am led to believe these are some of the most incredible places in Europe and most of them you probably haven’t even heard about. With each upload the comments begin flowing… “added to the bucketlist!” being a common theme. So where are they? 10 places in Europe you need to visit but haven’t hear about…

blagaj bosnia and herzegovina

Places in Europe you need to visit

1. The Dervish Monastery, Blagaj, Bosnia & Herzegovina

The Tekke in Blagaj (Dervish Monastery) surprises many. “Why haven’t I heard about this before?” is a common reaction and indeed was my own when I was standing in front of the Tekke beside the water a crystal blue like no other. Be sure to visit nearby Mostar, a popular choice for tourists visiting Bosnia & Herzegovina.

isle of skye scotland

2.Isle of Skye, Scotland

Maybe you have heard of it, but never underestimate the beauty of Scotland – particularly the Isle of Skye. For far too long I had this destination in my “to visit one day” list, but when I was standing there soaking it all up in a 7 day tour with Highland Explorer Tours, I couldn’t believe it had taken me so long to visit. For more: Read the top 10 places to visit in Scotland.


3.Ljubljana, Slovenia

Although a capital city, chances are you haven’t heard of Ljubljana in Slovenia. But there are perhaps a few other underrated cities you haven’t heard of either – Europe is so big it is almost impossible to see it all!


4. Peles Castle, Romania

Although it is widely regarded as Europe’s most beautiful castle, Peles is still relatively unknown to many and indeed visited by only a few. Romania is a little difficult to reach from other European locations so it’s little wonder less have visited – but if you do go out of your way to explore the region, there’s plenty to discover.

kylemore abbey ireland

5. Kylemore Abbey

Located in the West of Ireland, Kylemore Abbey is testament to Irish history and heritage. A former castle now occupied as a nunnery, Kylemore Abbey is a stunning architectural delight for history buffs and has equally stunning gardens on the property also well worth a visit. For more: Read the 8 places to visit in Ireland.

Cesky Krumlov

6. Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Another one of Europe’s most underrated cities/towns is Cesky Krumlov in Southern Bohemia. Just a couple of hours drive from Prague, CK is a must visit if you find yourself in the Czech Republic – and indeed one of the most stunning towns in all of Europe!

7. Nyhavn, Copenhagen

When you think of Copenhagen, the colourful seaside houses come to mind… so maybe I’m breaking the rules by including Nyhavn in the list. Regardless, if you haven’t visited then you absolutely must add this one to your list!

Lake Bled Slovenia | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

8. Lake Bled, Slovenia

Another rule breaker – introducing Lake Bled, Slovenia. Chances are you’ve heard of it by now but if you haven’t visited, then you really must add Lake Bled to your list of European travels. Just as stunning and picturesque as the above picture suggests, Lake Bled is a must visit in Europe.


9. Basilica Cistern, Istanbul

There are many must see sites in Istanbul but this one often gets overlooked. Located underneath the old city, the Basilica Cistern is hundreds of centuries old and while eery, should definitely be visited if you find yourself in Istanbul.

A Guide to Beaune France | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

10. Beaune in Burgundy, France

This charming little French town is a hub for wine lovers visiting the nearby wineries located in the Burgundy region. Be sure to spend at least a few days here, there is much to explore nearby!

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Brooke Saward
Brooke Saward

Brooke Saward founded World of Wanderlust as a place to share inspiration from her travels and to inspire others to see our world. She now divides her time between adventures abroad and adventures in the kitchen, with a particular weakness for French pastries.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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