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10 Products I Never Travel Without

Morocco Photo Diary | WORLD OF WANDERLUST

Being that I travel more days out of the year that I stand still, I’ve come across plenty of products and bits and bobs on my travels, that I now have a small selection of “never travel without” items that are always by my side. These range from tech gear through to beauty lifesavers, and they’re all listed here for you to snoop about! Enjoy!

Brooke Saward | Marrakech

1. A portable charger

As a blogger I tend to use my phone a lot whilst travelling, answering emails, updating social media and just generally keeping in touch with the world + my loved ones back home. Sadly my phone battery does not agree, so I always carry this portable charger with me to make sure my phone battery lasts an entire day (especially useful when you’re lost – just duck in to a cafe and use their free wifi for directions!)

2. Noise cancelling headphones

I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned this on my blog before already, but noise cancelling headphones are for sure the best investment I have ever made toward enjoying long haul flights. Because they’re such an investment, I did a lot of research and concluded that these Bose Noise Cancelling headphones were the best in the biz, and there must be some truth to that as my boyfriend is always stealing them!

3. Face Mist

If there is one beauty item I believe flies completely under the radar, its face mist. This rose hibiscus face mist is an old time fave (and cheap option!), but I have a number of brands I use as I’m kind of (definitely) obsessed with face mists. One spray and you instantly feel alive – kind of like instant sleep – plus, they make you look fresh and smell fantastic!

4. Makeup remover wipes

How to put this in words other than: heaven sent. Make-up wipes are lifesavers on planes, when all you want to do is clean your face completely without entering the germy bathrooms to do so. Although I prefer to completely cleanse my face each night before bed (with this cleanser and muslin cloths), on planes and trains make-up wipes come in super handy.

5. Comfortable exploring shoes

Last year I had so many readers asking me what shoes I would recommend for travel, that I went ahead and wrote a whole blog post on the topic! The truth is that finding a comfortable and lasting travel shoe is so important, as you’re going to be walking all day and nothing sucks more than limping around the cobblestone streets of Europe looking for a pharmacy! I really love my nike trainers for the more adventurous pursuits but I’m also in LOVE with my new Steve Madden sandals – they’re bound to get a work out in Europe this year!

6. A sun hat 

I’m sure its no secret by now that I can’t go ANYWHERE without a hat. Since starting my blog this has kind of become a signature of sorts, not for any other reason than I just like hats (okay, and it stops me from having to do anything with my hair in the morning!) My favourite hats right now are this Panama Hat and I still love my good ol’ wide brim floppy hat.

7. Sunglasses

Whether its hiding my jet-lagged, baggy eyes or lazing around on a beach in the Mediterranean, a pair of sunglasses always (always, always, always) come in handy! My go to pair are these Aviators by Ray Bans, though I have a couple of cheaper pairs for travel like these Quay Aviators.

8. A suitcase of Dresses & Playsuits

Inside my suitcase you’ll find a limitless supply of dresses and playsuits as I believe they’re a one hit wonder: its just one piece of clothing you need to wash and you have an entire outfit ready to roll out in!

9. A Scarf

There is perhaps no other single garment in my hand luggage as a scarf. They are handy to combat airplane over-air-conditioning, to cover up when entering religious sites, or to cover a stain on your t-shirt (yup, we’ve all been there!)

10. My x2 Cameras

Over the years I have been blogging I have received tonnes of questions about the camera gear I use and I promise you – my camera skills are limited, but my cameras are certainly not! For most of my blog photography I use an Olympus OM-D 5 MARK II and for my Youtube Channel vlogs, I use an Olympus PEN E-PL7.

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