Welcome back to our women in business series! Today we’re sharing with you 17 habits of highly successful women. Sometimes, all you need is a small reminder: you got this! So with that, we have the most important reminders to help you keep striving towards your goals in business. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in!

1. She sets goals and sticks to them
Successful women in business have big dreams, but short-term goals. While it is important to always be looking toward the future – it is even more important to be working toward your daily tasks.
Start each week by setting yourself goals.
Then, start each day by planning out your tasks in a list of priorities. Before you know it, you’re closer to your long term goals. The bigger picture is nice to imagine, but the short-term goals are what get you there.
2. She has a close group of supportive friends
It is said you are the four closest people you hang out with. Having a supportive network of friends in your field or industries is important for success because it gives you a safety net of opinions. It can be tempting to ask your girlfriends or family for advice. But you know who is better to dish up that advice?
People in your industry.
Surround yourself with like minded people who have similar goals.
3. She is a morning person
I started waking up at 5:00am and it changed my life.
I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the early starts at first, but I soon started to see the benefits. Waking up before anyone else in your household gives you the first few hours of the day to work without distractions. Only later in the day should you worry about responding to emails, returning calls, and your social calendar.
4. She prioritises important tasks first
Sometimes you’ll feel like you have too much to achieve in any given day.
It’s okay, we’ve all been there.
The trick is to prioritise your tasks according to their importance. I find that starting each day with my creative pursuits allows me to give my best energy to where they are most needed. Only later in the day do I deal with customer enquiries, placing orders, scheduling meetings, etc.
5. She makes exercise a priority
When you’re a businesswoman, it can be an easy trap to fall into by putting work above all else. But you know what you can’t sacrifice? Your health. Investing in your physical health will allow you to invest in your mental health, too. And while the temptation of working all hours of the day is sometimes difficult to ignore, there’s a reason the word burnout exists.
Allow yourself at least one hour of exercise each day. It doesn’t have to be arduous – it could even be a long walk with a friend, an exercise class, or a quick workout at home.
Some of my favourite online offerings include Physique57, Ballet Beautiful and online classes with The Movement Lab.
6. She buys experiences not things
When you’re successful in business, you’re likely to become successful financially. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles!
But before you rush out to spend everything you’ve worked so hard to earn, consider reinvesting some of this income into yourself.
Learn a new skill online, take a trip to Tuscany and become a wine connoisseur, or spend some quality time on a solo escape.
Instead of spending money, you’re investing it. In yourself, no less!
7. She reads and learns constantly
They say knowledge is power. They are right. Think of knowledge as your secret weapon. You can never have too much of it and with the rise of the internet in the 2000’s, there’s practically nothing you can’t learn about. If you’re so inclined, sign up for our WOW Book Club. We recommend great books to boost your business and stories to escape into.
8. She practices gratitude
One of the most life-changing experiences of my last few years in business has been to keep a gratitude journal.
At the end of each day I write down 3 things I am grateful for. I’ve come to learn this is a popular habit of successful business women as it is important to remember your blessings before your shortcomings.
You should try it!
9. She knows she doesn’t always get it right
Successful business women know they get it wrong sometimes.
You don’t have to be right all the time and the sooner you come to trust the opinion of your advisors, the sooner you can learn from them and grow.
10. She enjoys time to herself
While socialising with friends is always a good way to spike your energy and excitement levels, time alone is important to.
Successful business women know that time alone is a gift.
Don’t be afraid to spoil yourself with a trip to the beauticians or a hot bath. Time alone is sacred.
11. She tracks her finances
Keeping a close eye on your finances will help you to understand where you’re at at any given time. It is an important way to manage your investments and make sure you are taking the necessary steps now to protect your future.
My favourite investment outside of work is in real estate. While it may not be the fastest performing asset, it is certainly a safe bet.
12. She listens more than she speaks
What makes you memorable is not what you say, but how you make a person feel.
Often listening speaks volumes about a person and shows people around you how interested you are in them, as they are in you. Listening to others will not just help you connect with them, but better understand your relationships with those most important to you.
Who knows, you might even learn something about yourself in the process!
13. She puts mistakes down to learning experiences
I’ve made many mistakes in the past. Failed business ventures, relationships wearing thin and friendships I haven’t always put enough time into. What matters is that you learn from these mistakes and do better next time. You can’t change the past but you can always change the future.
14. She is kind and compassionate
Success comes in many forms and often it has nothing to do with money. Being kind and compassionate is an asset to your personality and will help others as much as it helps you.
15. She delegates rather than dictates
Managing people is hard, period. But the best way to work with your team is to delegate rather than dictate. Delegating is a skill you can only learn through trial and error so don’t be too disheartened if you don’t get it right all the time!
16. She talks about her blessings more than her problems
While it is tempting to rant to your friends and families about troubles at work or in business, remember to always count your blessings. Without knowing we sometimes talk only about our shortcomings instead of singing our own praise.
17. She encourages others
Just as you love hearing from others that you are doing a good job, others around you want to hear it too! Always be supportive and encouraging of your friends and family, just as they hopefully do for you.