Bakery Bucket List: The Best Bakeries Around the World

A bakery bucket list is my kind of bucket list. Over the past year, I’ve been on a mission of sorts to discover and taste the best bakeries around the world. All in the name of market research (I recently opened my own bakery) I have tested not one, not two, not twelve but an amount I cannot comprehend of the world’s best macarons, cupcakes, tarts, cakes and everything imaginable in-between.

This list is a comprehensive list of the world’s finest bakeries. Many of them are in the big cities like Paris and New York, but a few newcomers have popped up in towns you would have never even heard of before.

So this is it: your ultimate Bakery Bucket List to eat the most delicious, indulgent, calorific treats you will find the world over. Enjoy!

Pasteis de Nata

image: Faye Bullock for World of Wanderlust

Your Bakery Bucket list

Pastéis de Belém

Lisbon, Portugal

Let us begin with one of the world’s most beloved bakeries – an institution in itself – the much loved Pastéis de Belém in Lisbon. This bakery has been pumping out Pastéis de Nata (custard tarts) since its inception in 1837. Sure, they have other offerings and sure, they’re pretty good too – but you’d be doing yourself a favour to stock up on a box of these gooey-centre-still-warm-out-of-the-oven pastries that will leave you in “ooohs” and “aaahs” for a good manner of time whilst eating them. I promise you, they are all they’re talked up to be!

Ladurée Champs Elysées

image: Faye Bullock for World of Wanderlust


Paris, France

Another hot favourite that cannot be missed out from any bakery bucket list is the much talked about Ladurée. This beautiful French patisserie is covered head to toe in pastels to reflect the delicate and colourful pastries they serve in the French capital and now all over the world. Don’t miss the chance to eat a macaron here, even if you’ll find more creative flavours elsewhere in Paris (see below – Pierre Hermé!!!)

48 Hours in Winnipeg

Jenna Rae Cakes

Winnipeg, Canada

No word of a lie, I chose to visit Winnipeg on my trip to Canada for the sole purpose of visiting Jenna Rae Cakes. This small and unassuming bakery in a residential neighbourhood of Winnipeg has only been a recent addition to the bakery scene, however, has quickly built up a name for itself with their colourful pastries and quirky flavour combinations. The macarons are fantastic but the cookie sandwiches are the real stand out. If calories don’t count on weekends, then go straight for the toffee cookie sandwich (you’ll cry it is just so good).

What I Ate in Paris | World of Wanderlust

Du Pain et des Idees

Paris, France

When you think of Paris you think of croissants and who wants to travel all that way not to try the crème de la crème? If you’re looking for the best croissant in Paris, head straight for Du Pain et des Idees in Canal-Saint-Martin. You won’t regret it.



Vienna, Austria

My first stop in Vienna is always to Demel – a beautifully historic, time warp of a bakery that transports you a world away from reality. The decor, workers’ uniforms and the menu itself are all nostalgic of Vienna’s glorious and glamorous past (not to say that it isn’t still so!) There are cakes and pastries galore to choose from but if you ask me the most decadent item on the menu is the hot chocolate, especially on a cold winters day!

New York Bakeries

Dominique Ansel Bakery

New York, USA

Unless you’ve been living in the 1990’s before cell phones and household interwebs, chances are you’ve heard of the cronut. This glorious combination of a croissant and a doughnut is your fast track ticket to sugar overload, but believe me it is entirely worth it (though I’m still not sure it is worth waiting half an hour in a line for!?) The cronut was indeed created by Dominique Ansel who owns a bakery in New York of the same name. While popular and requiring a line at practically any time of day, a visit is worth while if you find yourself in the city.



Paris, France

While you won’t find Carette in guidebooks and on the “must visit in Paris” bakery lists circling the interwebs, I can tell you for certain as someone who has eaten at almost every bakery in Paris, Carette is my absolute favourite. Not only that, they’ve also got the best macarons in the city if you ask me (which by being here you are) and I promise you the salted caramel macarons will change your life. So much so that I went back daily for the “jumbo” version and don’t regret a thing.

Hotel Emma San Antonio | World of Wanderlust

Bakery Lorraine

San Antonio, USA

Another bakery off the beaten path and away from the capital cities is Bakery Lorraine in San Antonio, Texas. I had read about this bakery before visiting and drooled over the French pastries, only to find that the food was just as delicious in real life (winning!) I would highly recommend their salted caramel macarons, almond croissants and quiche off the menu. All are to die for!

Ispahan Pierre Hermé

image: Faye Bullock for World of Wanderlust

Pierre Hermé

Paris, France

Back to Paris (did you really think this list would be complete without at least a handful of French patisseries!?) This is one French bakery you do not want to miss (but if you’re asking me you shouldn’t miss any of them), especially if you’re a fan of macarons. Pierre’s macarons are dubbed the best in Paris and if you’re in to inventive flavours and quirky combinations then you’ll be in heaven here.

Quirky Eats in Hong Kong | World of Wanderlust

Tai Cheong Bakery

Hong Kong

Did somebody say custard egg tarts again!? Tai Cheong Bakery is a famous bakery in Hong Kong, known for their egg tarts at an extremely reasonable $8 HKD (about $1 USD). You’ll find them in Central in a little unassuming shopfront and believe me when I say to stockpile on these things – you’ll want more than one!

Conditorei Schober in Zurich

Conditorei Schober

Zurich, Switzerland

One of my favourite cities in Europe is also home to one of my favourite bakeries – Conditorei Shober. The bakery is housed inside a small and unassuming shop front, that opens up in to a grand maze full of separate rooms, outdoor patios and stairs winding to even more space. The hot chocolate is fabulous, especially in the winter time to allow for on-street people watching as you keep yourself warm from the inside out (though being as delicious as it is, it won’t last long!)

Best Bakeries in London | World of Wanderlust

Peggy Porschen

London, United Kingdom

If you find yourself in London you’ll be spoilt for choice (read: The Best Bakeries in London), however Peggy Porschen is my top choice for aesthetic alone. The gorgeous pink exterior, the faux flowers surrounding the entrance, the pretty and perfect placement of pastries inside… this place is a pastel-pink-lover’s dream! The sweets aren’t bad either!

Bakeries in Europe

Cafe Savoy

Prague, Czech Republic

Last but not least (I’l leave it to you to suggest additions for the list) is Cafe Savoy in Prague, Czech Republic. Here is where I tried my first European hot chocolate whilst people-watching from the riverside location of this time warp cafe. Be prepared for a pianist in the background, cigarette puffs in the air and the most glorious step back in time in a city where time in some ways, has stood still.

Over to you! Have you been to any mouth-watering bakeries around the world that should be added to the list – second edition!?

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Brooke Saward
Brooke Saward

Brooke Saward founded World of Wanderlust as a place to share inspiration from her travels and to inspire others to see our world. She now divides her time between adventures abroad and adventures in the kitchen, with a particular weakness for French pastries.

Find me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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