How To Edit Travel Photos: Shop My Travel Presets!

I’m a little late to the party but you know what they say – better late than never! These past 7 years exploring the world would feel like a blur if I didn’t have all the photos to show for it. I started travelling solo back in 2012 and since then have become addicted to exploring new cities, traversing new landscapes, learning skills like pastry classes in Paris and meeting people from all over the globe. After 70-something countries it has become difficult for me to remember vivid memories – which is why I’m always taking more photos than necessary.

Over the years so many of you have asked, especially on Instagram, how I edit my travel photos. As many of you will already know, the act of taking a photo when you travel is only part of the process and some of the magic is added in post production. For years in my early days of travelling I swore by taking better photos to begin with, almost always leaving my images untouched. However as my photography has progressed and my level of interest in taking photos has grown, I have become more and more in tune with my photography style and refining that.

Travel photo presets by World of Wanderlust

shop the Slovenia collection

How I edit my Travel Photos

It was three years into my solo adventures when I discovered Lightroom. Before that I had only heard of Photoshop and after taking a two-minute peak around the product, decided it was way beyond my capabilities. In the early days I barely tweaked my travel photos, merely nudging the contrast and saturation a little. Years have passed and my interest in photography has grown. A few years ago I took the time to learn Lightroom and cannot believe the difference it has made to my travel photos!

Shop the Paris Collection

Lightroom is surprisingly easy for beginners. I recommend Lightroom to photography enthusiasts who don’t need the technical aspect of photoshop to severely alter photographs (like retouching, etc.) However if you aren’t familiar with Lightroom, the easiest way to use the program and get started is to use a preset. Presets are a one-click solution to editing your travel photos and bringing your adventures to life. Here’s the complete World of Wanderlust guide to using Lightroom Presets to get you started.

shop the Rome collection

My collection is highly focused on Europe and my favourite cities, as this is where I have spent most of my time travelling. It is amazing how each preset can really bring your travel photos to life, so I hope you enjoy using them and transforming your own travel photos!


Shop the collection here.

Brooke Saward
Brooke Saward

Brooke Saward founded World of Wanderlust as a place to share inspiration from her travels and to inspire others to see our world. She now divides her time between adventures abroad and adventures in the kitchen, with a particular weakness for French pastries.

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